Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Stooping, Limitation, and Other Profane Words

"Maybe your standards are too high..."

Have you ever been told your standards need to be lowered to attract the "right" guy?

Have you ever considered that the guy you've programmed yourself to be attracted to is totally wrong for you? If you ask most bois what they're looking for in a boyfriend, you're most likely going to hear that its somewhere between having a job, being nice, sweet, sexy, smart and dominant. Rawr! Where's the whip? Because that boy sounds hot!

BUT REALLY--what ARE your standards?

Listen, I know we -all- seek dominance in a mate--isn't that biologically who we are as bois? But I'll tell you, my ideal definition of dominance has more to do with 'challenging,' than collars, chains, and wrestling. My perfect boyfriend will challenge me. He's someone I can bounce ideas off of, someone who pushes me to be the best, someone who I can talk politics with, someone I don't always agree with, and...someone who knows how to put it on down any day, afternoon or night of the week isn't half bad either, let me just tell you.

I think its time we move past the "nice, sweet, and has a job," losers and get our alpha asses really to take a minute and tune our boyfriend receivers to where they need to be. Not where they were when you were 19, pumped up with teenage hormones, and boozing illegally. If you haven't realized you've changed since then, and you don't know who you are anymore, then maybe you need to get to your secret place and figure it out! (Mine is the secret beach at Marina del Rey). And if you're in your swimsuit, please send pictures!


PS: Don't steal my spot! :)

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